Ala Sheehy

Ala Sheehy

Pub Guidelines

13 stories

An antique desk covered in papers with a comfortable chair. Some favorite writing spots. Don’t you want to jump in and start the magic?
Ala Sheehy

Ala Sheehy


2 stories

Ala Sheehy

Ala Sheehy


2 stories

Pop art illustration, silhouette of a woman walking along a road at sunset
Ala Sheehy

Ala Sheehy


11 stories

Ala Sheehy

Ala Sheehy

Useful Apps

6 stories

Image created by Anna Burgess Yang
Ala Sheehy

Ala Sheehy

Friend of Medium

I write for busy-heads like mine who like to observe, spot trends and feel curious about the synergies between people and technology.